1. Title
  2. About this book
  3. Installing on Linux
  4. A Short History of Git
  5. Understanding Git
  6. Understanding Git
  7. What is Git?
  8. Focus and Design
  9. Git Object Types
  10. The Git Data Model
  11. Branching and Merging
  12. The Git Directory
  13. The Treeish
  14. Working Directory
  15. The Index
  16. Non-SCM Uses of Git
  17. Using Git
  18. Using Git
  19. Getting a Git Repository
  20. Normal Workflow Examples
  21. Log - the Commit History
  22. Searching Git
  23. Browsing Git
  24. Git Diff
  25. Branching
  26. Simple Merging
  27. Stashing
  28. Rebasing
  29. Exporting Git
  30. The Care and Feeding of Git
  31. Tagging
  32. Distributed Workflow Examples
  33. Sharing Repositories
  34. Hosted Repositories
  35. Annex
  36. Commands Overview
  37. References and Endnotes
  38. Revisions