- Title
- About this book
- Installing on Linux
- A Short History of Git
- Understanding Git
- 1. Understanding Git
- 2. What is Git?
- 3. Focus and Design
- 4. Git Object Types
- 5. The Git Data Model
- 6. Branching and Merging
- 7. The Git Directory
- 8. The Treeish
- 9. Working Directory
- 10. The Index
- 11. Non-SCM Uses of Git
- Using Git
- 12. Using Git
- 13. Getting a Git Repository
- 14. Normal Workflow Examples
- 15. Log - the Commit History
- 16. Searching Git
- 17. Browsing Git
- 18. Git Diff
- 19. Branching
- 20. Simple Merging
- 21. Stashing
- 22. Rebasing
- 23. Exporting Git
- 24. The Care and Feeding of Git
- 25. Tagging
- 26. Distributed Workflow Examples
- 27. Sharing Repositories
- 28. Hosted Repositories
- Annex
- Commands Overview
- References and Endnotes
- Revisions